Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more
by Ian Yuill on 16 June, 2016
Dandara Limited is holding a public consultation on their proposal to build 100-250 homes at ‘Hazlewood zone F’, the area of land on the north side of Countesswells Road opposite the Robert Gordon’s College playing fields, on Wednesday 22nd June.
The proposal includes a retirement village.
The consultation event is taking place between 3pm and 8pm at the Hazlewood Sales Suite, Countesswells Road, Aberdeen, AB15 8NB.
You can find out more about this consultation event here.
Following the consultation on 22nd June, Dandara will refine their proposal then hold another exhibition of the final draft of their proposal between 3pm and 8pm on 3rd August.
I am astonished that more UNAFFORDABLE HOMES (unaffordable for postmen, hairdressers, careers, shop assistants , cleaners, nurses, teachers and a host of other essential workers) are being proposed. The Developers building for need not greed.
A Nixon
June 19, 2016 at 7:14 pm
I am astonished that more UNAFFORDABLE HOMES (unaffordable for postmen, hairdressers, careers, shop assistants , cleaners, nurses, teachers and a host of other essential workers) are being proposed. The Developers should be building for need not greed.
A Nixon
I agree about the houses, what provision for the extra traffic on the roads, will there be an exit on to Hazledean. Road to ease the traffic on countesswells Road.
I can understand that plans take a long time to get passed but the days of Aberdeen being paved with gold are over. I don’t think we need any more unaffordable houses to stand empty
A high percentage of the housing should be affordable units.
Two bed houses designed to be easily extended at a later date
The effects of the the developments by Dandara and at Countesswells must be addressed on the existing road network especially on Springfield Seafield and Countesswells Roads.
Yes and another three or five hundred cars on the road between 8 and 9 o,clock in the morning.