Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

Archive for the ‘Planning’ Category

Woodies garages should be demolished soon

by Ian Yuill on 24 January, 2022

Work to demolish the lock up garages at the Woodies off Broomhill Road should start once an asbestos survey has been carried out and any asbestos found is then safely removed.

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I am delighted that the trustees of Northcote Lodge care home have bought the area of land between the care home and Airyhall House. This land had been offered for sale as a site for housing development.

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A planning application has been made to build 35 three and four bedroom council houses and bungalows on the site of the former Kaimhill Outdoor Sports Centre and the children’s play area off Inchbrae Drive. The proposal includes creating a new play area at the junction of Devenick Place and Ramsay Gardens.

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Permission has been given to convert the Mariner Hotel into nine flats and a house and to build two semidetached houses in the hotel car park.

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Aldi has now submitted a formal planning application to build a supermarket on Countesswells Road opposite the entrance to RGC’s Countesswells playing field.

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Local Development Plan – have your say

by Ian Yuill on 16 June, 2020

Aberdeen City Council is seeking people’s views on the Aberdeen Local Development Plan: Proposed Plan 2020. Amongst other things, this sets out locations for new homes, businesses and facilities and identifies areas for protection. 

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There is no sign that building work will recommence anytime soon at the derelict lock up garages at the Great Western Road end of Salisbury Terrace.

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Residents have told me how concerned that are at the possibility the area of open space on the northern side of Auchinyell Road at its junction with Garthdee Road may be zoned for house-building. This proposal has arisen as part of the process of preparing a new Local Development Plan for Aberdeen.

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A consultation is now underway on the Proposed Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan. The Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Planning Authority agreed the Proposed Plan on 24th August. The Proposed Strategic Development Plan covers a number of key issues which will help to shape the Aberdeen City Region over the coming years. […]

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Aa its meeting on 22nd March the Planning Committee gave planning permission to convert the former Morrisons’ store at the Seafield shops into a coffee shop. The approval of the planning application is subject to a number of conditions. You can read the report prepared by the council’s planners about this planning application here.

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