Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

Success – first step taken to introduce 20mph zone between Broomhill Road and Holburn Street

by Ian Yuill on 19 November, 2017

Map pf proposed 20mph zoneI am delighted that the council’s Communities, Housing and Infrastrucure Committee has agreed to begin the process of introducing a mandatory 20mph speed limit on all the roads lying between Broomhill Road and Holburn Street.

Unlike “20’s Plenty” the proposed 20mph speed limit would be legally enforceable.

The roads which would be included in the 20mph zone are:

  • Abergeldie Road
  • Abergeldie Terrace
  • Balmoral Place
  • Balmoral Terrace
  • Braemar Place
  • Broomhill Avenue
  • Broomhill Place
  • Broomhill Terrace
  • Gray Street (between Broomhill Road and Holburn Street)
  • Holburn Place

You can read the report from council staff about this on page 8 of this document.

The next stage in this process is for council staff to consult the police, fire service, Ashley and Broomhill Community Council and other bodies about the proposals. If none of these bodies object the council will then formally advertise the proposal which gives residents and others the opportunity to object to the proposal if they wish. If no objections are received the speed limit will be introduced. If objections are received these will be reported to the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee for it to make a decision about whether or not to introduce a 20mph speed limit.

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9 Responses

  1. Gordon Yeoman says:

    Time there was double lines on one side of Holburn St between broomhill Rd and Abergeldie Rd parking is terrible buses cannot get up or down road if they meet

  2. phil bailey says:

    have you tried to travel at more than 20mph on Gray St, its normally double parked , last week I had to reverse nearly the full length of the street as another car was coming down from Gt Western Rd and he could not find anywhere to pull over for me to pass.

    One other thing, more lorries are using Brommhill Rd and these plus cars are travelling too fast, any chance of getting Broomhill Rd down to 20mph?

    • Ian Yuill says:

      Phil, this proposal covers only Gray Street between Broomhill Road and Holburn Street.

      Broomhill Road is not included in this proposal and the way the law works means a road cannot be added into the proposed traffic order so any proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit on Broomhill Road would have to be made separately. Incidentally, I was overtaken about 10 days ago whilst I was driving at 20mph past Broomhill School.

      There may well be proposals made shortly for traffic management changes on Gray Street between Broomhill Road and Great Western Road but those will be dealt with separately.

  3. Robert Sillars says:

    This should go ahead, with Broomhill Road included as school age and older people have to cross this road outwith the times of the existing 20mph zone at Broomhill School. I register an interest as School Crossing Patroller at Broomhill/Gray Street

    • Ian Yuill says:

      Broomhill Road is not included in this proposal and the way the law works means a road cannot be added into a proposed traffic order. That means any proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit on Broomhill Road would have to be made separately.

  4. Derrick Tarn says:

    A positive step and not before time, however the success of any mandatory limit will depend on how proactive the enforcement of it is.

  5. Miss Duncan says:

    Well done, finally common-sense prevails 🙂

    Having lived on Gray Street , and seen first-hand the constant flow of transport traffic, & the fact that it is used as a short cut to the Bridge, I applaud the campaigners for their persistence. This took many YEARS of their persistence, very much resisted by those now hailing it’s success.
    Having witnessed speeding haulage traffic, car police chases, residents & school pick-up speeder’s- I am very pleased (as a Parent with child at local school )
    Location of the school flashing sign could be improved upon also, perhaps even a cutting of the hedge that is overgrown & obscuring it even .
    Regarding the parking – it is a residentail street & with no permit zone, parking is a constant headache- the Vet Surgery at bottom of Gray Street, often a contributor.
    Blocks of flats built (with car parks) – residents lazily park on the Street continuously.
    Gray Street has very obviously been a long-standing cut through & easy permit free street for non-resident parking.

    Having spoken with several transport /delivery/haulage /Skip hire companies ref this matter, it is very obvious that the old Dee Bridge restriction’s being very much a contributing factor.

    Lorries/Vans/Cars opt for the shortest route down Gray Street, rather than staying on Anderson Drive/Broomhill Road.
    They have little concern that this is a school route/residential street. Neither do several attending for school drop/collection.
    Policing this 20mph restriction will be most definitely required, it highly unlikely to be the entire resolution.
    What would create an entirely better situation would be:

    *One way & 20m.p.h
    Having Gray Street upwards only, would eliminate the appeal for transport , a hassle indeed for resident’s, but would likely return the Street to a quieter one.

    Having lived in a 1940’s house, that has Kitchen cupboard (at rear) clatter, I can state quite factually – one pf the worst streets in City boundary.

  6. Eileen Leslie says:

    Well done, Ian. We have waited a long time for this. Judging by the number of people who signed the Petition, I would be very surprised if there were any objections to a mandatory 20 mph speed limit on Gray Street and the surrounding area. James should be congratulated too for all the research he did, sometimes sitting up until 2 o’clock in the morning getting everything put on to his computer. Now, when are we going to try to get the HGVs from using Gray Street as a rat run to avoid the Bridge of Dee? Our house shakes every time one of these vehicles comes thundering down the road, dishes rattle in the kitchen cupboard at the rear of the house and the vibration caused books on the shelf in the lounge to topple over and knock ornaments on to the floor.

    • Ian Yuill says:

      Thank you. That is very kind. This has been a long fight but hopefully the end is now in sight.

      Thank you to everyone involved in persuading the council to take this forward.

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