Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more
by Ian Yuill on 27 July, 2019
The TSB branch in Forfar contacted the police after an 85-year-old man attended at the branch wishing to transfer a four figure sum of money to an account without providing details of where the money was going.
Police enquiries revealed that the man and his 83-year-old wife had been contacted at home by a scammer claiming to be from the TSB Fraud Department, who persuaded the couple that they needed to move the funds to keep their accounts safe.
The scammer then kept the woman on the phone and organised a taxi to pick up the elderly man to take him to the bank.
The elderly man had been instructed not to engage with the driver in any way.
While separated, the elderly woman provided the scammer with her genuine sort code and account number.
Police are appealing for taxi drivers and firms to be vigilant when transporting vulnerable members of the community to banks and other financial institutions and to contact the police immediately should they have any concerns that the person may be being exploited.
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