Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more
by Ian Yuill on 15 August, 2019
After I called for action, Aberdeen City Council has pruned low growing branches on street trees on a number of roads in our area.
Council staff have told me they have now pruned low growing branches on street trees on:
I have asked for low growing branches on street trees on other roads in our area to be pruned and will report back on that once I have more information.
Please do let me know about any low growing branches on street trees in our area.
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I see Deeside Gardens listed. The problem in Deeside Park is overhanging trees and bushes from residents gardens. Particularly I pick out No 2 which seems to be unoccupied. In places half the pavement is covered.
I will contact council staff about this.