Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Flash floods damage homes, schools and roads

by Ian Yuill on 14 August, 2020

The flash floods on Wednesday 12th August damaged homes, schools and roads in our area.

A number of residents’ homes suffered flood and water damage. Sadly, water and flood damage can take some time to make good.

The return to school at both Broomhill School and Harlaw Academy was disrupted by flooding and water damage. Although Broomhill School has now reopened, Harlaw Academy remained closed for electrical repairs. Provided these repairs are completed, Harlaw Academy is due to reopen on Monday 17th August.

You can find the latest information about school closures here.

Roads in our area were also damaged with the extreme conditions damaging, breaking up and distorting road surfaces. Emergency repairs are being carried out. The most damaged area locally was at the Holburn Street end of Gray Street where the road had to be closed. This section of road is due to open late on Friday 14th August after the repairs are completed.

Work almost complete on repairing Gray Street after the flash floods

If you know of any flood damage to roads, pavements or anything else maintained by the council, please let me have the details.

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