Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more
by Ian Yuill on 18 September, 2020
After being contacted by residents, I asked the council to take action over problems with street trees on several local roads.
On Irvine Place (photo above), council staff have agreed to prune the lower branches of a street tree which is obstructing the pavement and growing out over the road.
Several fairly young trees on on Gray Street (photo above) have been vandalised by having their tops snapped off. The council’s tree specialist is hopeful that these trees will recover.
A street tree that fell over on Cranford Road (photo above) will be removed. I have asked for this to be replaced.
Please let me know about any other problems with street trees in our area.
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Trees on Beechhill Gardens, although nothing like the Irvine Place picture, need to be trimmed as delivery lorries are constantly knocking branches off the wider spreading trees.
Only a matter of time before someone gets hurt or a car is damaged.
Thank you for letting me know about this. I have emailed council staff about the street trees on Beechhill Gardens and forwarded a copy of that email to you.
There are a large number of trees throughout our area that need to be maintained :
Sprouting from low down on the trunk
Trees that should have the protective wire mesh removed (and used somewhere else)
Also ‘blank holes’ where trees have either not been replaced or have dies.
BTW I’m still waiting after 3 years for a replacement tree on the pavement at the side of the house – the Council removed the dead tree (after it fell across the road), marked the spot with a traffic cone, came back and excavated and installed a plastic/rubber surround, but still no tree.
It seems the more that you highlight issues to the council then you’re on the blacklist !!
If you email me at with your address I will contact the council about the street tree that hasn’t been replaced beside your home.