Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more
by Ian Yuill on 1 May, 2021
There is still time to have your say on the proposed parking restrictions on and near Deeside Drive – but the deadline for doing so is Monday 3rd May.
The proposals include double yellow lines on the whole eastern side of Deeside Drive and on the whole southern side of Deeside Park.
Ther are also proposals for double yellow lines on parts of Deeside Grescent, Deeside Gardens, Deeside Place and Deeside Terrace.
You can find out more details about the proposals here.
It is possible to object to all or parts of this proposal. It is also possible to syggest changes – for example replacing proposed double yellow lines with single yellow lines. What is not possible to do is to suggest adding extra restrictions to those already proposed.
If you would like to object to part or all of these proposals you should send details of the grounds for your objection, including your name and address, by e-mail to by 3rd May.
I don’t feel this was well advertised – unfortunately I only read your emails this evening but why was it only highlighted 2 days before the deadline? I haven’t seen any notices on the street either but maybe I’ve missed them.
There were notices on lampposts. My email highlighted that the deadline to make objections / comments was fast approaching.