Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more
by Ian Yuill on 7 August, 2021
I recently raised residents’ concerns about speeding on Broomhill Road – especially near Broomhill School – with our local police team.
The police have confirmed they will continue to carry out speed enforcement in our area and will try prioritise this to when there is “peak pedestrian traffic such as school children walking to and from the school as they remain a vulnerable road user group (road including the pavement)”.
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1 Comment
The whole street is a racetrack from the roundabout with Holburn Road through to the roundabout at South Anderson Drive. This is not folk driving just over 30mph – this is folk thrashing it in a residential area. Nothing seems to ever get done about the “got the gear – no idea” cyclists who think the pavement is their domain either. Being a pedestrian in the Broomhill Road area these days is not a pleasant experience. Despicable also that the blind residents have to put up with people that think the pavement is also a good place to park their vehicles.