Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Action – low growing branches removed from Airyhall Avenue street trees

by Ian Yuill on 7 September, 2021

A street tree on Airyhall Avenue after low growing branches had been removed

After I called for action, the Council has cut back low growing branches on street trees on Airyhall Avenue.

The branches on these trees were growing out over both the road and pavement.

The same tree before the low growing branches were removed

Please do let me know about any other problems with street trees in our area.

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2 Responses

  1. IanMacK says:

    It is perfectly clear that the Council does not have a tree maintenance strategy.
    There are numerous tree issues across our area
    – low growing branches (on both new/ young trees as well as very mature trees)
    – dead trees that should be removed and replaced
    – trees that were planted around 5 years ago and should have the post and rigid wire mesh removed
    – empty tree spots (both with pit frames and those without)
    The Council only fixes specific issues when they are raised by yourself.
    The Council tree maintenance strategy is much the same as their as their street brander / drain maintenance strategy – do nothing until there is a flood !!

    • Ian Yuill says:

      If you send me details of dead trees and trees with low growing branches I will raise these with council staff.

      The problem is not so much a lack of a tree management strategy or plan as a lack of funding. Over the last few years I have regularly proposed investing more in street tree management and planting – and every time that has been rejected by the Conservative/Labour/Independent coalition which controls the council.

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