Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Success – Margaret Place to be repaired

by Ian Yuill on 24 May, 2024

I am delighted that resurfacing work on Margaret Place is due to start on Tuesday 28th May and be completed by Friday 31st May.

As Margaret Place is not an adopted public road, the Council is not responsible for maintaining it, although the Council has in the past carried out some repairs.

Instead Margaret Place is a private road with a number of different owners, including the owners of the flats off Margaret Place and the Council. The Council has now reached an agreement with James Gibb, factors for the flats, to share the costs of carrying out resurfacing of the road.

I am very pleased with this news. The huge potholes and very broken up surface of Margaret Place has been a persistent problem for residents and users of Ruthrieston Community Centre. I have been pressing the Council for years to work with the other owners of the road to arrange repairs and it is great that this has now happened.

I have now urged the Council to seek to agree a long-term arrangement for maintaining Margaret Place with James Gibb and the other owners.

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   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Barbara Mackie says:

    Delighted to hear that Margaret Place is being resurfaced at last. The potholes are gigantic, and people attending my weekly art group at Ruthrieston CC are very relieved that they can safely use the car park. Thank you so much for your persistence in this matter 👏

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