Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Scottish pavement parking ban to be enforced in Aberdeen from 1st July

by Ian Yuill on 21 June, 2024

Enforcement of the ban on pavement parking in Scotland will begin in Aberdeen on Monday 1st July. Parking at dropped kerbs and double parking are also now illegal.

Enforcement of the restrictions will be carried out by the City Wardens.

There are some general exemptions to the pavement parking ban which include:

  • To allow for the normal operation of the emergency services, or medical practitioners in emergency situations
  • To allow the response to an emergency or accident
  • To allow for certain deliveries and collections
  • Vehicles used for undertaking works on roads or removal of obstructions

Local councils are also allowed to exempt specific areas from the ban. In Aberdeen, the City Council has exempted 12 areas. You can find the list of exempted areas on pages two and three of this document.

Only one of the exempted areas – the cobbled area at 209 – 223 Countesswells Road – is in our area.

You can read more about this on the ban on pavement parking, parking at dropped kerbs and double parking on the Transport Scotland website. You can read the report on this considered by the Council’s Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee on 11th June 2024 here.

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2 Responses

  1. David Geddes says:

    In narrow residential streets the rules must be interpreted reasonably I understand that a vehicle completely blocking a pathway cannnot be excused but when there is clearly enough space for a mobility scoter or pram to pass there can be no good reason to prosecute the motorist. This is just yet another instance of virtue signalling. So disappointing!

    • Ian Yuill says:

      David Geddes, this is a change in the law, it’s not a decision made by the City Council. The Council can exempt roads, or part of roads, by even then there are strict national criteria about what is possible.

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