Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Pavement and gutter weed treatment

by Ian Yuill on 13 July, 2024

A number of residents have contacted me about weeds growing in pavements and street gutters in our area.

I asked Council staff for an update on weed treatment and this is the reply I received:

“With respect to the weeds, many of the streets and pavements in the city are showing significant weed growth at the moment. In certain areas cassies in the gutter area and the poor and deteriorating pavement surface provide an ideal environment for weeds to grow and look particularly bad. Street and pavement weed spraying in Aberdeen is carried out by a contractor and is done twice per annum. The first spray this year took place week beginning 27th May and roughly takes 6 weeks to complete the city (weather permitting). Die back should show approximately 10 days after application.”

Please do let me know about any problems with weeds in pavements or street gutters in our area.

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2 Responses

  1. Debbie Downie says:

    Hi. Along the South Anderson Drive between asda and Headland court the grass has not been cut again this year. What a mess of weeds

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