Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Action – Braeside Place play area equipment being replaced

by Ian Yuill on 5 October, 2024

After I highlighted problems, Council staff agreed to replace old play equipment at the Braeside Place play area.

One piece of equipment will be replaced and the bark surface is being replaced with a grass safety mat. The new piece of equipment is due to be installed in April or May next year. The item of equipment that needs to be replaced has already been removed.

The email I received from Council staff says:

“Having undertaken a detailed inspection on 30 August the unit is showing signs of deterioration and because of the age (installed in 2001) is beyond economical repair. As a result the unit is to be removed and replaced with a similar platform unit for the same 6 – 12 age group. The existing bark surface will also be replaced with a new modern grass matt safety surface that is in keeping with the surrounding landscape. There are also other works that will be undertaken at the same time to improve the existing infrastructure. The initial work to remove the equipment and make good the surface is expected to be undertaken in the the current financial year, (24/25 – Oct/Nov) depending on contractor availability and weather conditions, and the new unit purchase and installation in the next financial year, (25/26 – Apr/May) depending on the lead time for manufacturing.

“By undertaking the works during the winter months it is hoped to cause as little disruption to the public as possible.”

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