Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more
by Ian Yuill on 21 April, 2016
Over the last few days I have been contacted about two different incidents locally where residents have been injured after tripping on uneven or broken pavements.
In one case the resident suffered multiple broken bones and is still in hospital.
Whilst pavements can never be completely flat, especially where there are street trees, many pavements on our area are very broken and uneven.
I will continue to urge council staff to repair and level broken and uneven areas of pavement but what is really needed in a comprehensive long-term plan to resurface and maintain pavements across Aberdeen.
At the last three annual council budget setting meetings the Liberal Democrats have, as part of costed and balanced budgets, proposed investing more in repairing and resurfacing Aberdeen’s pavements. Sadly, in each case this was rejected by Labour, SNP and Conservative councillors.
I will continue to do all I can to get the council to invest more in properly resurfacing pavements.
As you are aware Councillor Yuill I had a very bad fall in Broomhill road which cut my knee badly and ruined a very good watch. that pavement has never been repaired, and as I SAID AT THE TIME THESE PAVEMENTS ARE A GREAT DANGER TO ALL WHO USE THE PAVEMENTS.
You are absolutely right, some pavements are a real risk to people walking on them.
As you know, individual councillors cannot issue instructions to council staff to repair particular areas of pavement. What I can and do do is highlight problem areas to council staff and urge them to take action. If you e-mail me at with a reminder of exactly where you fell I will contact contact staff about it again.
I walk a lot on the pavements and also agree that repairs should be carried out. I would think that under Health and Safety this should be one of the priorities.
I live on Holburn Road and the pavements there are atrocious. On several occasions I’ve had to either sort (or report to the Council) drainage covers that have flipped on to their side, these are a major tripping hazard. Apart from that they’re very uneven.
Joanne, do you mean the covers that’s very the gullies that lead from front gardens to the gutter?