Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Gray Street and Salisbury Terrace traffic survey results due

by Ian Yuill on 12 October, 2017

Photo of Gray Street name signPhoto of Salisbury Terrace name signCouncil roads staff will shortly be circulating to residents the results of the survey they carried out several month ago of residents’ views about the possible introduction of a one way system on Salisbury Terrace and the section of Gray Street between Broomhill Road and Great Western Road.

I was told this information would be circulated to residents shortly. The roads staff will also include details about any action they propose to take. Should the roads staff propose introducing a one way system, or any other significant change, there would of course be a formal consultation process as required by law before any action could be finally taken.

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   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Iain says:

    I used to live in the vicinity and still traverse the area regularly. It will be up to those who are more closely affected, but other streets in the area came out strongly against such measures in the past, and proposals were not adopted. They seem inappropriate in a residential context and lead to unnecessary inconvenience. The existing physical restrictions of the streets tend to control traffic flow naturally without unnecessary additional expenditure on infrastructure items including unsightly street furniture carrying signage.

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