Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

NEWS RELEASE – New Labour Finance Convener apparently cannot add up

by Ian Yuill on 17 May, 2012

Labour rosetteLiberal Democrat councillor Ian Yuill has revealed that Councillor Willie Young, the new Labour Finance Convener of Aberdeen City Council, appears to be unable to add up.

 Ian Yuill said “Councillor Young has claimed that Aberdeen City Council’s Labour / Conservative / Independent coalition is paying senior councillors £4,000 less in total than the previous Liberal Democrat / SNP administration.

 “That’s simply not the case. Figures released to me today by council staff show that – comparing like for like, the new Labour-led administration is paying its senior councillors £19,983 more than the previous Liberal Democrat / SNP administration.

“So not only are Labour paying individual senior councillors more, the total bill is higher as well.

 “What’s just as bad though is that Councillor Young, the Labour politician now in charge of the city’s finances, apparently cannot add up. If he makes this sort of simple mistake, how is he going to cope with complex public finances?”