Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Secondary school ‘league table’ published

by Ian Yuill on 15 May, 2020

Photo of secondary school students

There is always debate about the merits or otherwise of school “league tables”. They most certainly do not tell the whole story.

The “Daily Record” has published a list of Scotland’s secondary schools based on the percentage of pupils attaining five Highers. The list was originally complied by “The Times”.

Jordanhill School in Glasgow is top. The highest placed in Aberdeen is Cults Academy, at number 15 on the table.

Aberdeen Grammar School is number 37, Hazlehead Academy is number 195 and Harlaw Academy number 273 of the 344 secondary schools listed.

Incidentally, the link above is to the article in the”Daily Record” as articles in “The Times” are behind a paywall.

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