Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Council grass cutting update

by Ian Yuill on 16 June, 2020

Photo of long grass with weeds

Following the relaxation of the lockdown rules, Aberdeen City Council has restarted cutting grass across the city.

An email I received recently from the council manager responsible for grass cutting confirmed that priority is being given to parks, road verges, cemeteries and sheltered housing.

The manager also explained that, as the grass is long and sometimes wet, the standard of the first cut may be poorer than normal. This should improve after further grass cuts.

He also told me that some areas are also going to be managed in a more natural way to encourage biodiversity.

The full text of the email from the council manager is:

Dear Councillor

We are now two weeks through our service restart and I thought it would be worth updating you on progress.

Grass cutting has resumed across all areas of the city and the teams are working hard to complete the first cut. This work is a challenge as much of the grass is long and wet. Not all our grass cutting machinery is equipped to cut such long grass so progress is slow. The teams are working through their areas and doing all they can to complete  a full and tidy cut. We acknowledge that not all cutting is to a standard we all want to see and it may take until cuts 2 or 3 until we achieve this. This is going to take time but the teams continue to be encouraged to take their time and complete a good job. Some wards are further on than others  but resources will be shared between teams to help wards with more green space.

Our work continues to concentrate on green spaces that are being well used by the public. We want to ensure that these spaces are safe, accessible and usable. The priority remains parks, road verges, cemeteries and sheltered housing.

As previously advised not all grass areas will receive their scheduled cut. We have started work on the large areas that lend themselves to being managed in a more natural way which includes leaving grass but cutting paths and edges. The public feedback to date on this has been in the main positive.

We ask for and appreciate your continued support and patience during this time.

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2 Responses

  1. David Geddes says:

    Hello, I live near the Woodies in Broomhill and I urge you to please properly cut the grass there. I would be very dismayed if this area was neglected or left as ‘ natural ‘ as you might argue. Children play there and long, lank vegetation can hide all sorts of undesirable items. This is a much used and appreciated green space. Please do not leave it looking like an unloved piece of waste-ground.
    Thank you for your consideration,
    David Geddes

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