Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Action on Great Western Road pavement parking

by Ian Yuill on 5 May, 2024

I have asked both the City Council and the Police to take action about delivery vans repeatedly parking on the pavement and white zig zags on the southern side of Great Western Road between Duthie Terrace and the Mannofield shops. I acted after being contacted by a concerned resident.

The pavement at this location is very narrow and any van or car parked on the pavement risks completely blocking the pavement for anyone using a wheelchair or a child’s buggy. Parking on the zig zags puts people using the pedestrian crossing at risk.

The Council has agreed to repaint the zig zags and the Police have said they will contact delivery companies.

I have asked that the City Wardens give attention to this part of Great Western Road.

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2 Responses

  1. H Mack says:

    You also need to get the wardens out at the top of Hammerfield Ave, there’s constantly cars parked on the double yellows just as you turn into the road

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