Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

Residents’ grass cutting concerns

by Ian Yuill on 2 August, 2020

I have recently been contacted by a number of residents concerned about changes to the grass cutting of open spaces in our area.

People have told me they understand that grass could not be cut during the lockdown but are unsure about the council’s future plans now the grass cutting has restarted.

I have contacted the council manager responsible for open spaces and grass cutting to ask for more information about how decisions are being reached about which areas will have their grass cut and which areas will be allowed to grown more naturally to encourage biodiversity. I have also urged that local residents are consulted before these decisions are made.

I have made it clear that I believe allowing areas to grow more naturally should not mean just allowing dockens to grow higher than some people! Any area allowed to naturalise still needs to be managed appropriately.

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3 Responses

  1. Alan Fawbert says:

    Glad to hear that you are chasing up the grass cutting Ian,
    I live in Montrose drive and in some place the Dockens are five feet high on the grassy area between Montrose and Garthdee roads, ragwort is beginning to spread too.

  2. Sean Donald says:

    Hi Ian

    Got to agree 100% with Alan’s comments.
    There is a huge difference between leaving it to look natural and a mess.
    I seem to remember that not very long ago the council would fine tenants if their gardens were left like this. Is this another example of this very poor councils rules for us and different rules for others.

  3. Eileen Leslie says:

    Hope the Council take heed of your comments about the dockens which are flourishing everywhere and are not a pretty sight. They are taking over what used to be a lovely embankment leading up to the Old Deeside Railway Line at the foot of Gray Street. It is an absolute mess. Like Sean, I remember when Council tenants were fined if their gardens were in a mess like this. Why don’t they use the money they are charging us to empty our brown bins to fund the cutting down of these awful weeds?

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