Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

Airyhall residents’ seagull concerns

by Ian Yuill on 31 July, 2021

Photo of herring gull

A number of Airyhall residents have contacted me about problems with seagulls in Airyhall.

Although these gulls are clearly causing problems, councils have no special powers to take action against gulls. Only the owners or occupiers of land and buildings, or someone acting on their behalf, can take action against nesting gulls.

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 makes is illegal to capture, injure or destroy any wild bird, or interfere with its nest or eggs. Penalties can be severe. The law also provides a general licence system, which allows property owners to take action against gulls nesting on buildings by destroying nests or eggs. This licence system can only be used for the purpose of preserving public health, public safety and preventing the spread of disease and is specifically for the control of Herring, Great Black Backed and Lesser Black Backed gulls. If action is taken for any other reason, or if other species of gull are targeted, then an offence is committed.

Find out more about urban gulls here.

Airyhall School gulls

One of the places where gulls are causing problems is around Airyhall School. As the City Council is the occupier of the school it can take action against gulls nesting / roosting there. I have contacted Council staff about this problem and urged that whatever action is possible within the law is taken.

Please do not feed gulls

One thing we can all do to discourage gulls is not feed them. If you are putting out food for birds, please use a bird feeder that excludes gulls.

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3 Responses

  1. Gordon Keith says:

    This is not good enough. These birds although in theory come into the category of “wild birds” are out of control and a danger and a nuisance to the public.
    If our council cannot see this they should come to see first hand what is happening in the areas affected

    • Ian Yuill says:

      This is not a case of the Council choosing not to take any action against the gulls. The law does not allow it to do so. The law only permits the owners or occupiers of buildings and land to take action.

  2. Ronnie Murdoch says:

    The seagulls are a menace. Was in the city centre yesterday Union Street is a disgrace with all the gulls droppings. No sign of anyone from the council cleaning it all up. Does not give a good impression to the visitors to the city.

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