Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

Call to repair Montrose Drive – Craigievar Road junction potholes

by Ian Yuill on 1 January, 2022

One Response

  1. R A Fawbert says:

    Good day Ian,
    Re the potholes in Montrose Drive, yes the potholes at the junction with Craigievar do need repairing, but the first 150 m of Montrose Drive going east is far worse, it is one chain of potholes the worst being apptox 40cm x 50cm and 15cm deep it is only a matter of time before the smaller ones are as bad.
    the worst one is impossible to dodge as it is opposite an extra wide trailer parked outside a house.
    rgds Alan fawbert

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