Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

New Council Partnership will focus on providing vital services

by Ian Yuill on 21 May, 2022

Photo of Town House, Aberdeen

As you may have seen in the press, a partnership of Liberal Democrat and SNP councillors has taken control of Aberdeen City Council.

The Partnership will focus on providing the best possible services for local people – and not spend time refighting national political battles in the Council chamber.

Time for change

Before the council elections, it had become increasingly clear that there was growing dissatisfaction with the performance of and decisions made by the Conservative / Labour / Independent coalition which had controlled the City Council over the last 10 years. That was confirmed by the result of the council elections here in Aberdeen.

Given the changes in the number of councillors from each political party on the Council following the recent election, my Liberal Democrat colleagues and I had discussions with the other parties about options for how the Council might be led over the next five years. 


It quickly became clear that neither the Labour Party or Conservative Party were serious about reaching an agreement. The Labour Party even refused to have a written agreement and instead suggested that we simply trust them!

Our discussions with the SNP were more constructive and focussed on how the Council could provide the good quality services Aberdonians deserve.

In those discussions my colleagues and I focused on securing the implementation greatest possible number of Liberal Democrat policies and priorities included in our 2022 Aberdeen City Council election manifesto. In particular we argued that the Council must: 

  • Ensure best possible education is provided for Aberdeen‘s children in school buildings that are fit for the 21st-century.
  • Transform the quality of our city’s environment through positive green policies.
  • Improve transport within our city, including substantial investment in repairing and resurfacing Aberdeen’s crumbling roads and pavements.
  • Make streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.
  • Work to make Aberdeen a great place for businesses to locate.
  • Revitalise our city centre.
  • Build council houses to tackle the council house waiting list – which currently includes over 4,000 families and individuals.

After over a week of detailed negotiations, we reached an agreement with the SNP councillors which will ensure that the Council delivers on these key Liberal Democrat priorities.

A focus on vital local services – not national politics

The job of local councils is to provide services for their local communities and not refighting national political battles in the Council chamber. To emphasise this, the agreement includes a provision which prevents either the SNP or the Liberal Democrats using Council facilities or Council meetings to promote any view on Scottish independence or an independence referendum. The Council’s policy remains that Aberdeen and Scotland should remain part of the UK. My view remains that Scotland should continue to be part of the UK.

As part of the partnership agreement, I was appointed Co-Leader of the City Council when it met on Wednesday 18th May. My priority will of course remain standing up for local people and our area.

You can read the full partnership agreement, called Working in Partnership for Aberdeen, here.

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4 Responses

  1. Iain says:

    Congratulations on the new Council leadership role. The policies and priorities appear to concentrate on the important issues which may go a long way to improving the overall urban environment. Care of and attention to existing infrastructure is what the City needs initially to be credible as an attractive and accessible commercial and residential location.

  2. Marie Cruden says:

    Congratulations mr Yuill on your new position as I have always voted for you and hope to see the differences you make to improve the city especially the centre as it looks awful and not very attractive for visitors to come to Aberdeen City Centre 40 empty shops. Dirty buildings and pavements. Also as people are struggling because of the high utility Bill’s and food prices the Council should reduce parking costs as it is so expensive in town such as Dee Street £4.20 for 2 hrs. £3.20 for an hour. £2.20 for 30 minutes. Reduce all parking by £1.00. And reduce the 8pm to 7pm so reducing costs going to shows at Music Hall and the theatre. Bus fares are not cheap either for families to travel into town. Again congratulations.

  3. Kathleen Barber says:

    Congratulations Mr. Yuill

    I look forward to a more energetic and sensible approach in matters pertaining to the good of the City in all aspects.

    Best wishes

  4. Gorfon Yeoman says:

    Congratulations on your council position – one of the things to do open up the castlegate to traffic like it was years ago to get down to beach as it is now the castlegate is a wasted space and having to go down king st and turn right to beach is not good

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