Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more
by Ian Yuill on 24 June, 2023
I have urged the Council to work with the various owners of Margaret Place to properly maintain this private road. As those who use it know, Margaret Place is potholed and crumbling with some very large and deep potholes.
Margaret Place is not a public road managed by the City Council. It does though provide access to Ruthrieston Community Centre, owned by the Council and the Council is one of those responsible for maintaining the road. As it is a private road, there is no requirement for Margaret Place to be maintained to any particular standard.
In 2001 the land inside the dotted red line in the plan above was sold to Barrett Construction to build flats. Barratt Construction was granted a right of pedestrian and vehicle access and exit from this area of ground via the parts of Margaret Place shown coloured green and blue on the plan above.
Council staff have told me that:
“Barratt Construction Limited (and their successors in title) are responsible for payment to the Council of one half of the cost of upholding, maintaining, keeping in good order and repair and when necessary renewing the part of the roadway known as Margaret Place, Aberdeen, shown coloured green on the plan attached and are responsible for the whole of the cost of upholding, maintaining, keeping in good order and repair and when necessary renewing that part of the said roadway shown coloured blue on the plan.”
A long-term solution needs to be put in place to ensure Margaret Place is properly maintained so that residents and Ruthrieston Community Centre users can safely use it.
In the meantime, I have again urged the Council to fill potholes and broken areas in Margaret Place.
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