Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

Pavement parking illegal from 11th December

by Ian Yuill on 29 November, 2023

13 Responses

  1. Steve Hill says:

    Finally, if this is enforced the pavements will be more accessible.
    Next the other side needs to be handled, with hedges and bushes restricted to a fixed amount of intrusion over the pavement.


  2. Sylvia B. Alexander says:

    Since when has this been decided for Aberdeen?
    We are aware that it is happening in Edinburgh but there has been nothing in the press about Aberdeen. This like the bus gates another way in the Council making money.
    Why do he Council not listen to the People of Aberdeen.
    This will reflect on the voting. If people vote.

    • Ian Yuill says:

      Sylvia Alexander, this is a change in the law across Scotland, not a decision by local councils.

      • Trevor Stirton says:

        Another stealth tax being brought in under the radar like the bus gates. I have not seen any evidence of this discussion in national press, only about Edinburgh. If this like the bus gates was about safety only then enforcement would be by persuasion not the large threat of a totally disproportionate fine . Again it seems both council and government don’t give a thought to the reality of the situation in many cities where streets are too narrow to not allow parking on pavements and how is this going to be policed and by whom

  3. David Cadenhead says:

    Who will charge pavement parking?

  4. Ed Pirie says:

    I live on a street with a primary school nearby. Parents waiting for and dropping off their children frequently park on the pavement. They park so far onto the pavement that children walking to school have to squeese past their cars. Also compromises sight lines for pedestrians crossing the road.
    I am very supportive of this new ruling.

  5. John Flood says:

    This is all very well in principle, but some streets will become impassable to all but older/smaller cars. I guess this will mean a whole new tranche of double yellows. Oh joy!

    • Ian Yuill says:

      John Flood, Councils do have the power to create exemptions to the pavement parking rule. That may assist in getting some common sense arrangements agreed for some roads.

  6. Gary says:

    Ian, I emailed all 3 local Hilton councillors to appeal for help in seeking a common sense exemption for Leslie Road on safety grounds. When do officers plan to report back to your Transport committee on possible area of exemptions.

    • Ian Yuill says:

      Gary, the next meeting of the Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee is on Tuesday 16th January. I’m not expecting a report on exemptions to be presented to that meeting.

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