Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

Broomhill Road bollard repair call

by Ian Yuill on 5 May, 2024

2 Responses

  1. les clark says:

    ok its a bollard I’d rather have the roads repaired
    all the roads in aberdeen are a mess
    was in montrose last week no real potholes bus lanes bus gates, plenty parking all grassed areas immaculate

    • Ian Yuill says:

      Les Clark, sadly there are lots of roads in Aberdeen that are in poor condition. That is the result of years of underinvestment in maintaining them.

      When my colleagues and I took control of the Council in May 2022, we made a commitment to invest more each year in resurfacing and properly repairing Aberdeen’s roads and pavements. So far we have added £7 million to the roads and pavements resurfacing and repairs budget. We were told that was the maximum amount of extra work with which the North East’s roads contractors and quarries could cope.

      We will continue to invest more every year until Aberdeen’s roads and pavements are once more of an acceptable standard. That though will take a number of years.

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