Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Gray Street and Salisbury Terrace traffic issues

by Ian Yuill on 15 July, 2016

I recently met “on site” with a member of the council’s traffic management team to discuss the traffic problems experienced  by residents of Salisbury Terrace and the part of Gray Street between Great Western Road and Broomhill Road.

I told the traffic management staff member about:

  • many residents’ experience of having parked cars damaged
  • drivers travelling in opposite directions who meet sometimes refusing to reverse and having arguments
  • the wish by many residents that the council tackle these problems by creating a one-way system on these two roads or by taking some other action

After discussing these points with me and seeing the situation for himself the traffic management team member agreed to carry out a survey of residents’ views on the issue and possible solutions to that. He told me he hoped to undertake this survey over the next few weeks.

If the council’s traffic management team ultimately decide to propose changes there would of course be a formal process to go through which would give people the opportunity to comment supporting or opposing proposed changes.



4 Responses

  1. Carole Walker says:

    Thank you Ian for progressing the traffic issues on Gray Street, we are on holiday from 20th July to 6th August and would not like to miss the opportunity to take part in the traffic management survey you describe. We will be able to pick up emails and request to be updated using this medium while we are not in the country.

    With many thanks
    Carole and Keith Walker &Family

    • Ian Yuill says:

      The informal survey carried out by the traffic management team will I’m sure be carried out by means of a letter drop to the houses on Salisbury Terrace and the northern part of Gray Street. I’m reasonably sure it will be well into August before its carried out.

  2. John A says:

    It would have been more balanced if you had said that there are residents, like me, who have represented to you that creating a one-way system would be counter productive as the potential and reality of meeting a vehicle coming the other way is all that slows down some drivers. One thing which would cure the problem is for those with a garage to put there cars away instead of street parking. I have lived here since 1986 and never seen motorists who meet having arguments. Perhaps the council could better use its time and money by filling in the potholes which do more damage than passing vehicles.

    • Ian Yuill says:

      The clear majority of Gray Streer residents who replied favoured a one-way system.

      I am not personally a fan on one way systems as one of the major disadvantages of these is that people drive even faster when the know they will not meet a vehicles coming in the other direction.

      As for drivers having arguments, all I can say is that other residents have told me about this.

      I certainly agree that the council should invest more in repairing roads. Sadly on each occasion over the last three years when I have proposed doing this as part of a balanced council budget my proposal has been rejected by the Labour, SNP and Conservative councillors.

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