Ian Yuill

Liberal Democrat councillor for Mannofield, Airyhall, Braeside, Broomhill, Garthdee, Kaimhill and Ruthrieston Learn more

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Garthdee Farm Gardens ‘adoption’ – some progress

by Ian Yuill on 15 November, 2019

Garthdee Farm Gardens residents are becoming increasingly frustrated by the delay in the council being able to “adopt” – take control of – that road. The delay is due to the developer Barrett not carrying out the work needed to bring the road up to the required standard.

I have regularly raised this problem with council staff who in turn are pressing the developer to complete the necessary work. There are two major outstanding issues – the layout of the junction of Garthdee Farm Gardens and Garthdee Road and the sinking of part of the road surface of Garthdee Farm Gardens.

Garthdee Farm Gardens / Garthdee Road junction

I have now been told that, subject to the weather, changes intended to improve safety will be made to the junction layout within the next two to three weeks. This will involve changes to the white lining and the installation of a temporary traffic island. If these changes do improve safety at the junction, the temporary traffic island will be replaced with a permanent one. The cost of this work will be met by the developer Barrett.

Sunken road surface

Discussions between Barrett and the council continue about the sunken area of road surface. I am told this has been caused by a failure to properly compact the material under the road surface when drains were being laid. To correct this the road surface will have to be lifted, the material underneath properly compacted and then the road surface relaid at the correct level.

When all the necessary work is completed the council will be in a position to agree to adopt Garthdee Farm Gardens. Once that happens, Barrett remain responsible for maintenance for a further 12 months before responsibility passes to the council.

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9 Responses

  1. Gordon yeoman says:

    When coming from cults surely they can widen the road you have a narrow road and a far to wide pavement on your left side

  2. Andrew Simpson says:

    Thank you for this update. Are you aware that the grit bins have been removed from Garthdee Farm Gardens? It appears that Barrat have removed them, they are not responding to my requests as to why they were removed. We filled those grit bins twice last year through our factor. The roads are icy when cold. Please could you put some pressure on Barrat to explain what is going on.
    Andrew & Michele
    Number 21 Garthdee Farm Gardens

    • Ian Yuill says:

      Yes, I’m aware Barratt removed the grit bins. It a very strange thing to have done.

      I have already contacted the council asking if it will provide a grit bin at Garthdee Farm Gardens. I fear though that the answer may well be “no” as the council is not yet responsible for the road there.

  3. Shaanan Smith says:

    Per the Junction issue and the grit bin situation – both of these are health and safety issues. They need immediate attention.

    In the event of a road accident or pedestrian incident at the entrance or within the development due to icy conditions:- who will be legally liable? The council or Barrat homes need to take ownership asap.

    S.Smith CEng MIMechE

    • Ian Yuill says:

      The junction layout is due to be changed very shortly.

      Barrett’s removal of the grit bins was certainly unhelpful.

      My understanding is that, as the road has not been adopted, the council currently has no responsibility for it. I have though asked council staff to provide a grit bin. Whether they do so is another matter.

  4. Andrew Simpson says:

    Thanks for these updates. Do you know the planning application number for the modification to garthdee road and garthdee farm gardens road junction?

  5. andrew simpson says:

    The planning application 120394 shows the road junction as built. The last document was uploaded on the 15Aug2013. I don’t see any amendments showing a traffic island at the main road junction. I will wait and see what actually happens.

    • Ian Yuill says:

      The most recent update I received from the council’s roads staff made the following comment:

      “Messrs Barratt’s consent is to provide a safe junction. The changes are intended to provide this. They have satisfied their planning permission in providing a junction. The junction design is “textbook”. The problem is with inappropriate driver behaviour.”

      Hopefully the changes to the white lining and the traffic island will improve safety.

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